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John and Mandi

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7 yrs and 6 days - end of the road

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TapouT XT Day Seventy Nine - Buns & Guns

Apr 1, 2013
by Mandi

Today was a busy day since I was starting a new job and Mandi was turning in her letter of resignation. Transitioning back from working at home to a traditional office could be quite stressful but today was exactly the opposite. It felt really good to be joining a team and the environment is fantastic. Mandi's day was mostly uneventful except for her resigning. The allergy season is kicking up here and Mandi just can't dodge it so she is has been coughing and sneezing. We figure it's better to be sick during your final two weeks then the beginning of a new job.

When we made it home we immediately put in Buns & Guns. This is one of the shortest TapouT XT workouts but it sure is explosive. We both kept up and pounded everything out. The superman tricep move really gives me a beating and today the band slipped off of my foot but caught on my ankle. Mandi said that looked like a good idea but I think it was harder. I like all of the band work so I just kept giving it everything I had, Mandi still isn't a fan but she never gives up.

Ultimate Abs seemed to fire up our cores more than usual. I think we both engaged them more during Buns & Guns so chasing that today was tough. Overall we did a great job and we just go nonstop. We usually start the moves early to get in some extra time. We both really want to see our abs so we're digging as deep as we can. Mandi's are definitely coming along much better than mine but I'm such a thin build I may never get to see them. I guess if I can get down to a single digit of body fat I may have a chance.

Since we still have visiting family in town there would be no chance for a rest. We grabbed a shower after completing the workout and drove over to Mandi's sister's house. We hung out for a little while then went to a restaurant where we met their bother and his wife. It was another night of great stories, laughing, food sharing and shenanigans. We meant to leave earlier but we were having so much fun we stayed longer than we should have.

Even though we've been busy it's hard coming home to an empty house. We miss that our little man isn't perched on the couch. I'd always make it a point to give him a rub every time I passed by. He was fairly independent but he never turned down an ear scratching or a belly rub. We'll be sad for a long time, in the last nine months we lost both of our dogs. We hoped to take them on the road and now it's just the two of us. It will probably be a long time before we will begin kicking around the idea of bringing another fur baby into the family.

Daily Log

John Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Totals
Food Stuff Fried Eggs (2), Pork Sausage (2), Banana Pecan Muffin, Grapefruit (1/2) Green Smoothie, Pickle Chicken Salad, Coleslaw
Ribeye, Sauteed Vegetables
Calories 499 484 532 0 1515
Carbs (g)
21 24 5 0 50
Fat (g) 36 34 27 0 97
Protein (g) 25 28 66 0 119


Mandi Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Totals
Food Stuff
Fried Eggs (2), Pork Sausage (2), Banana Pecan Muffin Pickle Chicken Salad, Coleslaw, Valencia Orange
Smashed Potatoes, Beef Tenderloin
Calories 458 451 480 0 1389
Carbs (g)
11 32 42 0 85
Fat (g) 36 28 39 0 103
Protein (g) 24 25 34 0 83


Exercise Length Calories Burned - John
Calories Burned - Mandi
TapouT XT - Buns & Guns + Ultimate Abs 48 min 542 321

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