Van Build (25)
Apr 11, 2016
Many have asked us how are we able to travel, answering is sometimes difficult. We understand that not everyone has disposable income, some have to work several jobs just to break even. We admit that we are extremely fortunate, getting to where we...
Jul 29, 2015
We have received a few inquiries about what our electrical system entails. Unless you have nothing better to do or if you are really interested in our electrical setup you may want to skip this entry. If you do read this and something isn't clear or...
May 2, 2015
Completing the major components of the van exacerbated a glaringly obvious problem, her rear springs weren't beefy enough for her big ole butt. We knew this day was coming so we had been talking with Chris at Ujoint Offroad regarding our...
Apr 24, 2015
It's inevitable, we'll be sliding into the last day all disheveled and haggard. My original timeline was all lollipops and rainbows, it included a month full of relaxation before taking off. In this world called reality, there are quite a few...
Mar 24, 2015
With a couple of shakedown trips fast approaching we've been giving the van build all we have. Our brains are a bit mushy, yet somehow progress is being made. Time is pressing, I'm also starting to feel some pressure from our impending reversal of...
Mar 13, 2015
The last two months before we leave are going to be a bit hectic, seems like our first month on the road will be as well. Our madness of scheduling, flights, driving routes, commitments and additional wants is borderline on becoming overwhelming,...
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