Ujoint (7)
Aug 23, 2016
We have missed sitting around, in our own place, basically not doing much of anything. Hanging in camp, while equally enjoyable, cannot replace the Sunday (gonna get nothing done) lounging on the couch feeling. There were times we got a little...
Apr 11, 2016
Many have asked us how are we able to travel, answering is sometimes difficult. We understand that not everyone has disposable income, some have to work several jobs just to break even. We admit that we are extremely fortunate, getting to where we...
Dec 22, 2015
The van was showing some sickness signs while we were in Yosemite so we decided to skip Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon, heading straight to the home of Victoria and Jason - Neli’s Big Adventure . The high dose of great friends...
Apr 24, 2015
It's inevitable, we'll be sliding into the last day all disheveled and haggard. My original timeline was all lollipops and rainbows, it included a month full of relaxation before taking off. In this world called reality, there are quite a few...
Mar 3, 2015
There are opportunities in all things, some may be less obvious. Our build schedule is a bit tight, taking the JaMvan to Ujoint to cure her last remaining ills had become the obvious priority. We stopped everything and arranged an after hours drop...
Oct 23, 2014
Attending Overland Expo East was a big target for us shortly after purchasing the van. Our original idea was to have the JaMvan completely built out for the event, that didn't happen. Instead we dropped it off at Ujoint Offroad about 7 weeks...
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