Guatemala (5)
Jan 7, 2017
The original plan was to stay in Guatemala for the full 90 day CA-4 visa, then get an extension before continuing on to El Salvador. Our new tire expedition to Belize meant we had a shiny new CA-4 and a great excuse to rent an apartment at Pasaj Cap...
Dec 29, 2016
Three months past and we are some the wiser. We had fallen in love with Lake Atitlan during our previous visit but our return has permanently woven it into the essence of our souls. Unlike a timeless timepiece, it ticks forevermore within our...
Aug 23, 2016
We have missed sitting around, in our own place, basically not doing much of anything. Hanging in camp, while equally enjoyable, cannot replace the Sunday (gonna get nothing done) lounging on the couch feeling. There were times we got a little...
Aug 3, 2016
Each place is different for each traveler, as are the experiences we each take away. While there are strong similarities, it is the granular that shapes our opinions. The struggle is looking past the uncomfortable or unfavorable to remain honest....
Jul 18, 2016
The more we travel the clearer our preferences become. While we enjoy the culinary delights found within the bounds of the cities, we feel more at peace in the wilderness. Even more so when camped within eyesight of a lake, earshot of a thundering...
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