Baja (4)
Feb 3, 2016
We spent $2,501.10, $42.39 per day, during the 59 days we spent in Baja. It was great to finally get a reprieve from the higher costs of the U.S. and Canada. We ended up shipping earlier than expected so we missed swimming with the whale sharks and...
Jan 28, 2016
Tumbling grains of sand, playing chase across the beach. Immune to the traditions of man, action less in motion. Blown to the next temporary home. Explosions of trajectory, consequence less collisions. On course, unquestionable choices. The more we...
Jan 21, 2016
It’s interesting when we consider where we are and how it has come to be. The majority of our lives were spent trying to achieve some sort of comfort, a way to spend our dying days without worry. We focused so intently it resulted in living...
Jan 4, 2016
We have always joked that our "real" trip would start the moment we crossed into Baja. No disrespect to the US or Canada, it's just that in our minds venturing to our neighbors to the south would be like nothing we have ever known. Sure, we have...
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